Monday, December 14, 2015

A Dancers World

Through this 1957 video we can see Martha Graham talking about her own life experience of dancing and her understanding of "dancer". I totally agree with her opinion "dance is communication". In my another blog about Lamentation I have mentioned when she was dancing, she was also trying to communicate with world and try to deliver her emotion. This is the only video I could find in which we can see Graham's expression and temperament under the stage. And here are more pictures of her work.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As Martha Graham said, "Dance is communication." I totally agree with the author's view. The way she danced is really tying to express herself more than anything else. I really like the way she presented, simple and purely beautiful without any other fancy music or colors. That makes audience focus on her dancing style and information she wanted to deliver.


  3. This film gives one of the truest views of Martha Graham, defining some of the qualities that make her work unique in dance. Her legacy, in her own words, outlining for us the physical language exemplified as "Graham Technique." A language which, when mastered in all of its' facets, will allow any individual to speak in their own unique voice. not only with maximized physical range of movement but with an instrument that can serve as a true mirror of the spirit.
